What is the Cool Guard Cooling Tie and how does it work?
Cool Guard is a Canadian owned and operated family business based in West Vancouver, B.C.
The Cool Guard is a tubular tie containing polymer crystals. For first time use or, when
dry, soak tie in lukewarm water for 20—30 minutes. The crystals absorb water, expanding to more than 400 times their original weight.
This water is slowly released onto the fabric, keeping it cool through the natural process
of evaporation. No refrigeration is necessary. The great absorption rate of the crystals
allows for sufficient water storage to produce a continuous cooling effect for 1 full day.
Reusable, life span approximately 1 1/2—2 years. Entire product is biodegradable in 8-10 years. All fabrics 100% cotton and tested for colour bleeding. Four thread surged seam ensures durability. Heat Guard pocket contains non-toxic cross-linked Polyacrylamide which is EPA approved. Tie can be re-soaked daily. Extended soaking the tie could result in crystals leaking from stressed seams. Tie may be hand washed and should be left to air dry when not in use. Do not freeze. 1 size fits all.
Why it works!
The Cool Guard works in conjunction with the body’s natural cooling system to help
cool you faster and keep you cool longer. When worn around the neck, the tie cools the
blood that is flowing through the carotid arteries to and from the brain. This cooled
blood goes on to cool the rest of the body. When the body is cooled, both stress and
the heart rate are reduced, enabling one to achieve a better performance with less
perceived effort. When body temperature is lowered, dehydration is reduced.
Cool Guard presently supply over 700 retail outlets in Canada and have representation in Holland, Germany, and the EU. All of the items they produce have practical applications, are well packaged, durable and, best of all, they are “Made in Canada”.